Monday 3 September 2012

Bristles in your buns?...

Whiskers in your waffles?...

Hairs in your hoagies?...

What’s to be done?...Bexley has the answers…

What-ho, food-fans!

Well now…to baking

Regular Blog-followers will recall that I am absolutely devoted to The Great British Bake Off (see my posting for way back in September 2010)… Quite simply, it’s the greatest television programme in the world. Ever!

You will also recall how I was worried that, once the London 2012 Games and Paralympics were done and dusted, I’d be bereft of any stimulation…

What on earth will I watch on TV?...

How will I occupy my little grey cells?...

What on earth will fill that dark, howling void?...

Thank goodness, then, for the re-appearance of TGBBO (as we aficionados like to call it) and good old Mary Berry, and – my own particular favourite – the dapper, debonair Mr Paul Hollywood…Marvellous!

And yet, and yet…there’s something gnawing at me, a latent anxiety and sense of disquiet…

What is it?...Shall I tell you, dear readers?...
Well, it’s hairs and food – or, more specifically, beard hair and its proximity to baked goods…Eughhhh!

Now, much as I admire the work of Antony Worrall Thompson, and the Hairy Bikers, I do worry about Worrall’s whiskers and the Bikers’ bristles…

And then my worries continued to grow…what if there were even more bearded chefs around?...Hence, I set my Research Team the following task: - "Are there any more that I should worry about?"...

Luckily, they didn’t find many others – (only Captain Birdseye and Rick Stein’s dog) – so that was a relief!

What’s also a relief, is the discovery that my chums in Bexley’s Environmental Services have teamed up with the Food Standards Agency to reveal this: Hygiene ratings for food businesses in Bexley now available online

Marvellous, informative, and revealing…And it means that I can now sleep soundly in the twofold knowledge that The Great British Bake Off is back with us, AND that food standards in Bexley are being closely monitored. What a relief!

Now, if I could only persuade Mr Hollywood to go clean shaven…


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