Wednesday 16 February 2011

We’re all going on a bear hunt…with Frederick the Great!

I overheard a very heartening discussion in the library the other day…one which should remind us all of just how important libraries are at – almost by chance – setting seeds of imagination and digging up bits of knowledge…

Picture the scene:
Busy Library somewhere in Bexley on a Saturday morning…
Shelves of Biographies…
Father & young son, browsing amiably…
“Dad, who was Frederick the Great?...”
“Well, he was a king, I think…”
“Where of, Dad?”
“I dunno, somewhere or other…”
“No, but who was Frederick the Great REALLY? …He sounds great, whoever he was! Can I read it, Dad, please?...please!”…

Wise child, I do hope his father did borrow it…Ah, the joy of serendipity*…
Random selection of books is one of life’s great pleasures, don’t you agree?

And only yesterday, another child I overheard was particularly upset because her mum didn’t want her to read the same book over and over again…
“But I like it!” she cried…
“But you’ve already read it, try something else…”
“But I like THAT one”…

And the book in question? ‘We’re going on a bear hunt”…

Well, as the world’s finest philosophers all know, you should never turn down the chance to shout “Swishy swashy! Splash splosh! Hoooo Woooo!.We’re all going on a bear hunt…Will you come too?”

What the world’s sharpest minds would also recommend, surely, is that – thanks to public libraries – you can actually borrow MORE THAN ONE BOOK AT A TIME.


And the message from this week’s blog, dear readers?
* The more you read, the wiser you’ll become….
* You can always hear some fascinating conversations in libraries…(Have you heard any?)
* That Frederick the Great (1712-1786) was in fact, King of Prussia and “one of the most extraordinary men ever to sit on a throne”…But you’ll need to read the book to find out why…
* And that it really is good for us to shout “Swishy swashy! Splash splosh! Hoooo Woooo!” at regular intervals. (Although my research thus far suggests that Frederick the Great of Prussia rarely did)…

* Have I forgotten anything? Do let us know, using the comments box below.
* And, tell us if you've heard any interesting conversations in libraries (within reason...)

* Or, have you ever picked up a book purely by chance and thought "Wow! Serendipity Doohdah!...That was a good one to choose"?...

PS * `Serendipity` is a made up word... (Horace Walpole, 1754, I think ~ based on an ancient Persian fairy tale “The Three Princes of Serendip” or as it's now known, the modern country named Sri Lanka)…

Now, not a lot people know that!

(And it’s just the sort of serendipitous snippet of information from your friendly library service that just might come in handy one day…)


Anonymous said...

By the strangest coincidence I came across a quote that stands squarely over the current blog subject and the last.
" If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent read them more fairy tales"
Albert Einstein Scientist 1879-1955

Blogbrary said...

Thanks for this ~
Wonderful, and wise words about reading...And it's always good to get a bit of Einstein involved!
(Do you think he'd have liked blogging?)


Val said...

What a wonderful book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" is! To quote " What a beautiful day , we're not scared!" As a child who visited the library for the first time ever when he came with his class few weeks ago said to me " Cor I like it here its fun isn't it!" Every philosopher has to start some where and the Library is a great place to begin! So altogether now " We're going on a bear hunt....."

Blogbrary said...

Thanks, Val ~
What a great phrase: "Cor! I like it's fun, isn't it".
Wise words.

Anonymous said...

Overheard in the library.....because of a slight lack of shelf space..."There's no room for Romance in this library!"

Judith R. said...

I always used to want to HIT parents who said "No, you've had that one before".
Not sure if this is a very useful addition to the debate, Blogbrarian, so won't be offended if you veto it.

Blogbrary said...

Thanks both for these comments…
No, the Blogbrarian can never condone library staff hitting their customers, but is always happy to find room for more romance in our libraries…

Anonymous said...

Some time ago, way before the internet, this ancient librarian was faced by a gentleman who asked for information on concrete shutters. Her mind filled with a vision of Heidi shouting "Granpa I can't close the shutters again" before the enquirer declared "You don't know what I'm talking about" Too right!
p.s. shutters are the foundation supports around hugh building foundations

Anonymous said...

“A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in.”
Frederick The Great quote

Blogbrary said...

Now that is a very, very fine quotation. Top marks!

J.H. said...

I knew very little about King Frederick the Great until I read this section. (Your Bexley blog is always extremely entertaining and also full of odd information which we find always amuses)
We liked the quotation about his crown. I will remember that one in the future.

Keep it up. And as you say “TTFN”

Lisa said...

I can't think of an overheard comment or quote for you but I fairly regularly overhear parents and grandparents reading to their children in a quiet corner, which I think is lovely because that is what we are about after all, sharing books.

Blogbrary said...

Thanks, Lisa ~ wise words, you're quite right.
That's what we're all about!